Tuesday, November 17, 2009

dubai 2

worlds largest water show at the base of the Burj Dubai...

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

bailey and james

The two newest additions to the family since I have been gone...will see them in December for my return...

Bahrain's Grand Mosque

The grand Mosque of Bahrain, it opens twice a year to the public and me and marcia (my flatemate) went today to view. As you can see we had to dress in traditional clothing, for girls it was mandatory, but for me I had to wear the cloth as I was wearing shorts...no shoes allowed either. images are of the front, the courtyard, the prayer room and adjoining building.

NEW POST - QATAR day trip

Been working in Qatar on a hotel project and had some spare time one day before my flight home, so went and saw some great architecture, a small developing city, that needs to increase its population and tourist numbers to put the architecture into use...

Please find pictures on:



My first trip to Dubai to meet Krissie from Australia and Marina that is living there...a great over developing city, but had a great time shopping, going for a drink in the 7 star Bruj Al Arab, dinner on the pier and my favorite the ever so big Burj Dubai...a must see city in a few years for all once bigger projects are completed.

Please find pictures on:


NEW POST - link to London Photos

hi all, check out my photos from London (sorry for the late upload).
Had a great time catching up with friends that are living there and visiting...

to view photos go to:

NEW POST - My Apartment

Hi, I realized I have not uploaded any pictures of my apartment...

Monday, August 31, 2009

I did a day trip to Qatar today, a developing city but is still behind Abu Dhabi and Dubai but if you look closely to the image above you can see some nice architecture shapes. As I went for work, there was not much time to get downtown amongst these buildings, but went to a nice hotel for dinner that there is an image off...maybe next time will get closer up...

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Bahrain in 1970 - The old Juffair and the gulf hotel which has doubled in size and and put a convention center next door. There was no bridge to Saudi Arabia either so they had to use boats to get of the island…

Bahrain in 2009 - This picture is taken from one of our sites on the 52 level, I have labeled some places of interest, but if you compare where the gulf hotel is to the picture below you can see how much land reclamation has happened on the island, and how small it must have been in the past and how much construction work has happened. Jaffair is below all the text and is where all the apratments have been developed.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Design Week 2

Below: Kristina, our Director with our driver Ivan

Below: Bedoor who I sit next to on the left and on the right is one of my Design Directors Melissa.

Above: Nick and Jen who are engaged from the US who I hang out with. Jen is the creator the wall of words.

Below: ???

dwp design month

Below: This is the wall of words that everyone wrote on in our black meeting room. It is much more black now that we wallpapered it. We all wrote about our companies team values; integrity, passion and creativity. This is what we base our goal as a company of being one of the top design firms in the world by 2013 in.

Below: We installed lighting on the building that changed colour, stopped traffic outside and almost caused a few accidents.

Above and Below: What our team was working on along with the black meeting room, this is the white meeting room and we painted the ceiling to make the clouds and then folded hundreds of pieces of paper to form the clouds. very long process, I had to stick them all up.

dwp design night

Below: A map of the world made out of small pieces of photos of all the dwp employees.

Below: A graphic image our team designed for the kitchen area.

Below: Lighting in umbrellas hung from the roof to the front wall of the site.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Some Bahrain Archtiecture above...and below some work friends, from right to left is Jen and Nick from the US, my director in the middle Sue and behind her is Bedoor who I sit next too in the office...

Monday, May 11, 2009

Finally some pictures of some people I know here, on the left is Marcia who I live with and Ozzie one of our good friends at the beach party last weekend on a near by island, was lots of fun. The Ainhoa and Patricia who are airline hostesses for Gulf Air from Spain, we have trouble sometimes understanding each other but we go out drinking sometimes when they are around. The photo was taken when we went exploring of the island for the day...

The 'Souk Area', cheap shopping of anything you want and lots of practice with the bargening skills. It is a giant market made of of inner streets.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The Office Photo, bit small, so you probably cant see me sitting on the ledge, but you can spot the only one not wearing black...