Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Beijing - Dec 2010

Beijing, we had rare clear skys for you work trip, so not much day time sight seeing, but went to the olympic village and saw the birds nest and the aquatic centre...tianamen square was closed at night, a lot of history in that area and accross the road at the forbidden city which would have been nice to see...and then the amazing structure of the CCTV building, an architectural/engineering masterpice that was great to see, even if it was from a great wall, but would return to see these places soemtime in the future...

October 2010 - Country #2

I areived in Hong Kong on the 5th of October 2010 to join HBA and join my sister and her wonderful family, and her husband...pisture below is the view from my room in there Bel Air aparmtment "living the dream as my Andy says"...also, the famous Hong Kong Jockey club and being at the owners boxes, xmas with the family and the Hong kong light show at night.